January Newsletter
Bhaktivedanta Manor School welcome
Hare Krishna,
Welcome to the 4th edition of our school newsletter and the first of 2020!
Now, although it’s great to celebrate all the extra things we do at the Gurukula, it’s also nice to give a mention to the things we do as part of our normal school week. This time round, I wanted to include something about the music lessons that take place at school. Loka Bandu has been giving these at the Gurukula for a good 20 years or more and it’s a great foundation for all our future kirtan and harinam leaders!
I spoke to Jaidev in Year 3 about what they do…….
Me: What do you do in harmonium lessons?
Jaidev: We practise and help each other out if we get stuck or can’t play it so well. Sometimes Loka Bandu gets 3 harmoniums and we play on our own first and then all together afterwards.
Me: What else do you learn?
Jaidev: Sometimes we get to play the mrdangas too.
Me: What’s Loka Bandu like?
Jaidev: He’s fun and I like the lessons.
Me: Is he patient with you and does he ever get cross?
Jaidev: Yes, he’s patient because he knows we’re still learning. Sometimes he gets cross if people are messing around and then he has to tell them to stop it but it doesn’t happen much.
Recent trips and events
Monday 2nd December
Jagannath class went to London Zoo as part of their Science topic on animals and humans.
I aksed Vaidehi and Mohini about their day and what they saw and learnt…….
We saw giraffes, monkeys, lions and lionesses and there were camels, donkeys, hippos and pigs too.
Vaidehi – There was a strange animal which was half deer and half zebra and lots of naughty monkeys who steal things. The camels ate hay from a special bag with holes in. The hay fell out of the holes and then they could eat it. We saw a lizard which was really special because it glowed pink in the dark!
Mohini – we worked in our blue books and ticked off all the animals we saw and we learnt about what they all eat. Giraffes eat vegetables but lions and lionesses eat meat. Hippos eat grass and live in swamps!
Thursday 12th December
The children from Rama class had a trip out to London Zoo in December and absolutely adored the penguins!
Mani Manjari was very impressed with the set up there as the children were able to interact with the penguins through the glass. As you can see in the first photo, whenever Tulsi moved her hand, the penguin reacted by moving his head and the children all loved how playful they were. It was nice to see them so close up too as a lot of places don’t have that facility.
After the trip, as part of the class topic on Winter, Mani Manjari gave a class all about the different types of penguins around the world and where they live which was especially nice for the children as they’d actually had the experience!
Friday 13th December
Baladeva and Jagannath went to see a theatre production of “The Snow Queen – A Frozen Fairytale” at the Hertford Theatre.
As you can see, Gaurangi got hand picked to go up on stage and join in with the show! (She doesn’t always go around in a little Kung Foo jacket!) I asked her daughter, Keli what she thought of the show and of her Mum’s performance. This is what she said…………..
The show was good. There was singing and dancing, lots of bright lights and it was really funny. Jack Frost was in it and there was a Snow Queen who was evil, a boy, a girl and 3 crows.
I asked her she felt about her Mum becoming part of the show and she said, “It was a bit embarrassing but really cool at the same time”.
I then asked her if her Mum was any good and she said, in all seriousness, “Yes, she was”. And do you know what? I’ve seen the video and she actually was!
At the end of the show, the children even got to have a photo taken with one of the stars!
Friday 13th December
We’ve already shared the results from the Bake Sale last month but here are a few photos for you as well.
Tuesday 17th December
Vrindavan class went to the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich as part of their class topic on Antarctica and Shackleton.
This is what Raghav in year 6 had to say about his day…………
There were large model ships and lots of facts about different things. We got to try on new goggles and old-fashioned ones to see how different they were and it was good fun. There were lots of glass cabinets with objects in and we saw fur jackets and medicines from the old days.
We got to have a go using The Great Map too which was a huge map you could actually walk on. We used I-pads and walked around the world collecting things like crew members and items we needed for on board the ships. We even got a bow and arrow and a sword! I started in London, went to 20 different places and ended up in Jamaica.
Another thing we did was to use a ship simulator so we got to feel like we were driving a real ship. It was a fun day and really interesting too.
Thursday 19th December
Baladeva class had a great day out at one of London’s most prominent landmarks, St. Paul’s Cathedral.
This is what Prema had to say about the trip……..
On the same day, Rama class visited St. Albans Cathedral for the morning as part of their topic on the Nativity.
Mani Manjari told me that the children weren’t so interested in the Nativity scene itself but loved hearing all about the character of St. Alban and the stories about him. There were toys to play with to aid their learning and they got to dress up and play “Romans”. There was also an interactive computer available to then to teach them more about the history.
13th January 2020
Kripamoya prabhu visited the Gurukula and did a special assembly on worship.
Anjali, Kishori and Laksmi in year 4 described what they learnt about during the assembly…….
Kripamoya Prabhu told us all about what to use when we make offerings to Krishna. He taught us about the “Pujari stuff” and showed us what’s on an arati tray and what it means. He also showed us how many times we should offer each thing. It was really interesting and we enjoyed it very much!
After School Clubs
Monday | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Friday |
Radha Kanta |
Sanskrit Club
Ananda Sri
Tae Kwon Do
Patanjali |
Nikunja |
Sanskrit Club (if enough sign up!)
Ananda Sri |
Chess Club
Nilesh |
Notices and things to remember.
- Please remember your child’s P.E. kit! Key Stage 1 have sports on Tuesday and Key Stage 2, on Wednesday, unless notified otherwise.
- Don’t forget to pack a water bottle and healthy snack for your child. It’s a long time from 8.30am until prasadam is served at 1pm!
- Please endeavour to be punctual both in the mornings and for pick-up in the afternoon.
- We would appreciate if all fees, after school club payments and trip monies were paid promptly and especially by the deadlines given.
- No parents should be driving onto the school premises unless special permission has been given.
TERM DATES 2019-2020
First Day – Last Day | Half Term |
Spring | 7th January 2020 to 3rd April 2020
One week
17th February 2020 to 21st February 2020 |
Summer | 21st April 2020 to 17th July 2020
25th May to 29th May 2020 |
- Published in News
Newsletter Nov 2019
Bhaktivedanta Manor School welcome
Hare Krishna,
Welcome to the 3rd edition of our monthly newsletter!
We had 5 new children start at our school this month and they’ve all made friends and are settling in very well:
Amrita in Rama class
Vasudev in Jagannath class
Navaneet in Baladeva class
Mokshitha and Vishvambar in Vrindavan class
November has been a fairly quiet month at the Gurukula with regard to trips but the children have still been very busy with lots of different projects……
Monday 18th November 2019
Mark Stanton-Kelly (Markandeya) who is a top Hollywood stunt person, gurukula graduate and the son of our dear Dantasya visited Vrindavan class as part of their unit on biography writing. The children researched his career and then interviewed him. Markandeya gave an interesting talk on how to become a stunt person and the skills and qualities that are required. He returned the following week to review the biographies the children had written about him and chose the writing of Paramahamsa Hwangbo and Vishvambar Koorich for his professional IMDb page!
Events and activities this month
Friday, 8th November 2019:
Vrindavan Class went to the IMAX cinema in Watford to watch a 3D film called ‘Under the Oceans’ as part of their topic work.
Raghav in year 6 recounts his experience:
November PSHE in Baladeva class:
In PSHE, Baladeva class read a poem called The Hurt Boy and The Birds by John Agard. The children then wrote poems individually and in groups about a pet or an animal they would talk to about being bullied. Here are 5 great poems for you to enjoy!
The sweet shapeshifter
One day I was hurt and When I was hurt I met a bird and she said, ‘Hey! What the sad face I want you to play.’
She turned into a lion and exclaimed, ‘Hey you’re very nice let me give you this advice. Say goodbye to the cry.’
off she disappeared happily into the night.
Can I….
Fly like the bird and not cry in the sky and soar
Can I be pious like the lion and roar and say bye to the cry
by Kishori, Year 4
Share my feelings with my snake
Slithery snake, you leave a trial of dust in your wake
but let me talk let me tell a story that I don’t like to see in my memory.
the stony fist attached to the bully’s wrist and his angry face that will never find the treasure of the told pleasure.
but as the first touched my face I thought of my beautiful snake slithering around on the ground
I felt my heart beat and I realised I could not repeat the dreadful memory again
by Prema, Year 4
The bullied boy and his dog
The bullied boy talked to his dog
He showed him the love of his little heart
He found it hard to talk to anybody else
The boy also had no friends
He talked about the bully who bruised his leg
And the guy who gossiped about him all the time
It was not easy to say his feelings but he faced it all the way
until he saw his dog so free that taught him the new way
Aniruddh, Year 4
The sausage dog saves the day
Sausage dogs are funny when it’s sunny
Let the dreams come true.
Her beloved necklace broke by the bully
and shattered on the floor
and pulls her hair.
The superhero sausage dog bites the bully, hooray!
Nadia, Year 3
The cat of love
There was a cat of love,
who listened from the tree tops above,
she listened to the words,
and told it to the birds,
it usually was the worst,
but she did not burst,
the cat of love,
showed her love,
from above,
to the girl.
By Anjali, Year 4
Vrindavan class – special workshops in November
Year 5 and 6 have been taking part in animation workshops with Kavi Karnapura das who is a brahmacari from Soho Temple. They are learning how to produce stop frame animation and how to use green screen techniques to produce a short film of the Ramayana. You’ll be able to see the finished product at their assembly next year!
Remembrance Week
The whole school got involved with lots of different activities during Remembrance week and Jagannath class have a beautiful display in their classroom of the pieces they wrote.
Here is the work of Narayani in year 2:
Special topic on Service to the Guru
Rama class have been learning about service to the Guru in class and have a terrific display of the pictures they’ve drawn on their window. Their pictures even got shown to Mother Mani Manjari’s Guru who was really impressed with what they’d done!
Tuesday 12th November 2019 – Baladeva class 3D Egypt Model Exhibition
Baladeva class hosted their first ever exhibition to show off their 3D Egyptian models!
The parents and children of the school were invited into the classroom to see their hard work and Mother Vasana-harini said after, “I was super proud of each child how they confidently explained how they worked on their models”. Let’s hope this exhibition is the first of many more to follow!
Finally………..A big thank you to all those who participated in the GREAT GURUKULA BAKE OFF! Winners & funds raised to be announced imminently.
December news to follow next Month in our January Newsletter but for now, wishing you all a very happy and restful Christmas break plus an awesome Krishna Conscious New Year!!!
- Published in News
Newsletter Oct 2019
8th October 2019 Change of clothes for Lord Jagannathan, Baladev and Subadra.
BVMS would like to thank Mother Shoba for continually serving and changing Lord Jagannathan, Baladev and Subadra. Their Lordships look stunning in their new outfits.
During September Jayadev Prabhu involved the year 5/6 and staff to be part of his song/film. The final copy has been sent to the school. We would like to thank him for involving the children.
Events and activities this month
Dussehra Celebrations
Weeks before the celebrations the classes were involved in designing a 6ft 3D model of Ravana with 10 heads. Classes were engaged in designing shields, swords and heads of Ravana.
Tuesday 8th October 2019:
Dussera Festival Celebration day at Bhaktivedanta Manor School.
Children in all the classes made fantastic heads and armour for the effigy of Ravana.
Baladeva class made the main body as part of their art project.
At 11am, the whole school assembled out on the grass for the burning of Ravana and luckily, the weather was dry! Mother Vasana-harini gave a talk on the importance of the festival and asked everybody to meditate on Lord Rama to remove any inauspiciousness around us while the burning was taking place.
The children were all immersed in kirtan while Ravana was burning to the ground and it certainly was a sight to see.
Thanks to Dantasya, her son who so expertly shot the fire arrow to burn Ravana & her daughter for assisting with the wonderful festival.
Special thanks go out to Mother Vasana-harini for coordinating the event as well as to all the staff for making it a success.
Thanks to Nara Hari prabhu for assembling the huge structure and ensuring that the fire was secure and controlled.
Friday 4th October 2019-
Visit by Jagannath class to the Natural History Museum in London.
In order to enrich the learning of the children in the year 1 /2 Mother Nayika and Mother Dantasya arranged a visit to the Natural History Museum to coincide with their science topic of Our Bodies the for The Autumn Term. It was apparent how the trip enhanced the children’s learning when they participated in the related activities
Wednesday 9th October 2019:
As part of our music week Vrindavan and Baladeva classes went on a trip to the Primary Proms which took place at the Royal Albert Hall. This was a free event which was open to all the primary schools in the UK, so we were super lucky to get some tickets!
Pritam in year 6 recounts his experience:
The building was amazing. We were sitting really high up, almost at the top and behind us were some old Victorian gas lights. I could see a glass roof with blinds on and lots and lots of lights.
I loved hearing the music and seeing all the different musical instruments. I saw lots of stringed instruments and there was a children’s choir. I didn’t know all the music but they did play some Disney music that I recognised. It was a really good day!
Monday 14th October 2019
Rama class spend the day at the Bhaktivdeanta Manor with the ISKCON Educational Services Team.
Children were fascinated by the newly born calf and participated in visiting the Goshalla at the Bhaktivedanta Manor.
They listened attentively and were excited to talk about the cows and the new born calf.
Tuesday 15th October 2019 –
Visit by Vrindavan class to Cassiobury Park as part of their Stone Age topic.
In order to enrich the Stone age topic for The Autumn Term Mother Gunachuda arranged a class trip on 15th October from 12.30 to 2.30pm to Cassiobury Park to do some Forest School activities with one of the educators there based on the Stone age. Despite poor weather the children in year5/6 were able to experience how the stone age people were able to survive during that age. Well Done Vrindavan Class!
Friday 18th October 2019 –
Govardhan Puja celebrations.
Krishna Priya PGCE Secondary School student from Leicester University worked with us for a week beginning 12th October to gain some experience of an Independent Vaishnava Primary School.
Mother Jaggadhatri brought over the Manor Pre School children to joined us for Govardhan Puja. The children showed exemplary behaviour and participated well in the activities.
Sandipanimuni Prabhu retold the story of the Govardhan and how Lord Krishna convinced his father not to worship Lord Indra but to worship the auspicious Govardhan Hill. The children were engrossed in the story since he made it interactive and encouraged all the children to participate. Thank you Sandipanimuni Prabhu!
Thanks to all the parents for preparing the preparations to be offered for the Govardhan Puja and diligently completing the allergy form which was arranged and monitored by Nilesh Prabhu. It worked well and the parents ensured that no cherries or nuts were included in the preps. Also, we were able to monitor exactly what ingredients were added in the preparations.
Thanks to the festival coordinator Mother Vasana-harini and the rest of the staff and parents who enable for it to be such an amazing event.
Mother Gaurangi headed the arrangement for the whole KS1 and KS2 to attend and participate in the 12.00pm Arati at the Bhaktivedanta Manor. The year 5/ 6 lead and sang the arati beautifully as usual and was much appreciated by all who attend the prayers.
Finally the Bake Sale at the end of the day brought
Half Term holiday (Two weeks)
21st October 2019 to 1st November 2019
Children return to School on Monday 4th of November
Head Teacher award was given for the excellent Egyptian project in Baladev Class which includes many other aspects of learning.
Other wonderful models were also created by the children.
This pyramid had an element of surprise when the top half of the pyramid is removed.
Both of the pyramids had a surprise elements when they were opened out.
Clubs commencing after half term (4th November)
After School Clubs
Monday | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Friday |
Radha Kanta |
Yoga Club
David Wilmott |
Tae kwon do
Patanjali |
Sudevi |
Nikunja |
Sports Club | Kirtan
Jaggi Suta |
Braja Gopali |
Chess Club
Nilesh |
Notices and things to remember.
- Please remember your child’s P.E. kit! Key Stage 1 have sports on Tuesday and Key Stage 2, on Wednesday, unless notified otherwise.
- Don’t forget to pack a water bottle and healthy snack for your child. It’s a long time from 8.30am until prasadam is served at 1pm!
- Please endeavour to be punctual both in the mornings and for pick-up in the afternoon.
- We would appreciate if all fees, after school club payments and trip monies were paid promptly and especially by the deadlines given.
- No parents should be driving onto the school premises unless special permission has been given.
- Published in News