At the Gurukula we offer the children many opportunities to take part in new activities and experiences. Cooking is a much-enjoyed activity and the children learn to cook sumptuous ‘prasadam’ (offerings) for Lord Krishna. Drama and Role play is highlighted in our school and the stories from the Scriptures, as well as the philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita come alive through this medium. The school offers the opportunity to learn, Drama, Gardening, Art, Chess and Environmental studies in after school clubs. As part of the schools’ multi-faith week the children visit many places of worship locally. They are also involved in the local interfaith initiatives organised by the Hertsmere Faith Forum whenever possible.
Bhaktivedanta Manor's New Gokula farm provides many opportunities for enrichment and education. Whenever opportunities arise, we engage in activities with the farm whether it be looking at the beehives, visiting a newborn calf or helping to harvest potatoes.
Lessons from our visiting peripatetic music teachers are available in flute, guitar, piano and vocals with each child performing in end of term concerts.