

  • in Notices

    Gurukula Virtual Open day 3rd December

    Hare Krishna dear parents Thank you for being patient with us while we navigate through technology to virtually welcome you to the Gurukula. Our Virtual Open Day is almost upon us and here is the brief itinerary for your information: Date: Thursday 3rd December  Time: 6pm 6.00pm – Introduction from Chair of Governors 6.05pm – Video...
  • in Notices

    Important Update on drop off and pick up times for next half term

    Dear parents, Hare Krishna Hope you are doing well and making the most of the half-term break. We will be making a few changes to the drop-off and pick up procedures as well as break times at the Gurukula to further enhance our Covid safety protocol once we reopen on November 9th. If you have...
  • in Notices

    Covid Symtoms Flow Chart

    Dear Parents Hare Krishna Please find attached a covid symptoms flowchart which you may find useful should your child or anyone in your household show symptoms of Covid-19. COVID SYMPTOMS FLOWCHART...
  • in Notices

    Meeting reminder

    Dear Parents Hare Krishna Just to remind you that the Gurukula update meetings start tonight and go on till Wednesday night. If we can all attend our allotted year group sessions that would be great. If that is not possible feel free to join any session. Key topics of discussion are as follows: The agreement with...
  • in Notices

    Parent feedback forms

    Hare Krishna Everyone   It has been almost 3 weeks since we have been back at school. We hope that the children are now more settled in the Gurukula environment. To help us improve our services to the students and parents we would love to receive your feedback via the link below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSesI0G-6d92t7M_3oZ-EvvmEDtFm...
  • in Notices

    Important information on Safety and Awareness

    Hare Krishna dear parents    We would like to reiterate the importance of following the COVID-19 advice from gov.co.uk.  In these uncertain times and in light of recent information, we are depending on all our parents taking sensible precautions in order to minimise the risk to students and staff at the Gurukula especially those in the vulnerable...
  • in Notices

    Attendance Update

    Hare Krishna dear parents We would like to remind you that your child can attend school with minor coughs and common colds as advised on the NHS website:  https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/   Update on attendance for this week is 88%. Nationwide required attendance is 97%.  Jagannatha Class – 81% Baladev...
  • in Notices

    Free online books- Oxford Cambridge

    Hare Krishna You may find the following link useful. Oxford Cambridge has announced all books free download until *30th Sept.* Includes primary, secondary, IB programme, Cambridge Assessment international and AQAAccess the below link http://bit.ly/CXCTextbooks...
  • in Notices

    Illness, vomiting and diarrhea

    Dear parents Hare Krishna to you all hope you had a well rested weekend. This is just a reminder that if your child is unwell and has vomited or had diarrhoea, they should stay away from school for 48 hours. Please note that vomiting and diarrhoea are NOT Covid-19 symptoms.   To protect yourself and others around...
  • in Notices

    Attendance Update

    Hare Krishna everyone We are writing to update you on overall attendance performance for this week. Jagannath class – 94% Baladeva Class – 92% Vrindavan Class – 97% Whole school attendance is at 94.6% and the national average is 97%. Thank you all for bringing the children in on time as lateness disrupts learning....
  • in Notices

    Important Gurukula online meeting – 21st to 23rd September **With links to meeting**

    Hare Krishna Dear Parents, It is so lovely to see the kids back at Gurukula. They have settled in wonderfully and that is a credit to all of you. And amazingly we are doing great with punctuality!!! So a massive pat on the back there. As we get into the new school year we wanted to...
  • in Notices

    Purushottam month children’s challenge

    Hare Krishna Please see the link below for a fun 29 day challenge for your children to complete during the auspicious Purushottam adhika month. https://iskconchildren.com/2020/09/11/bhakti-super-sale/?fbclid=IwAR0YM5dVEFXJwK8FmlqdJ_d0bDkt8aiSckioPAmGkJ641-J1eCaIrISzbio I hope you will encourage them to take part and have Krishna conscious fun  as a...
  • in Notices

    Sports Payment and Reminder

    Hare Krishna everyone Just a reminder that sports will once again resume this week, with KS1 this afternoon and KS2 tomorrow afternoon. Please send the students to school wearing their sports kit. Children without a sports kit can not participate.  The cost of sports this year is £20 per term, which spread through the year calculates...
  • in Notices

    Welcome to the new year in Gurukula

    Dear parent, Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I hope you and your family are well and the children are ready and eager to return to gurukula tomorrow. We are certainly all looking forward to seeing our wonderful gurukula families again and we also welcome the new children who...
  • in Notices

    Covid Safety Procedures

    Hare Krishna Please find attached a list of the main health and safety procedures the gurukula will put in place for September. A detailed risk assessment document will be sent to you in the next few days. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Your servant, Gunacuda dasi   COVID health and...
  • in Notices

    Covid risk assessment for Gurukula opening on 2nd September

    Hare Krishna Please find attached the full risk assessment for opening on 2nd September. Please pay particular attention to the temporary drop off and pick up times to help maintain the safety of the children. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada Gunacuda...
  • in Notices

    Lunch Prasad

    Hare Krishna Further to my earlier email, this is to confirm that the children will be served lunch prasadam from the temple from next week. Should your child bring a packed lunch from home please ensure there are no nuts or items containing nut products as we have a child in school with a severe nut allergy. Your...
  • in Notices

    Absence Letters

    Dear parent, I hope you and your family are well and that we might see you at some of our three events this week in gurukula: gardening afternoon (today), Radhastami programme and the 6 hour kirtan on 30th. I had emailed the attendance policy to you all a few weeks ago and explained that for...
  • in Notices

    Attendance policy

    Dear parents Hare Krishna. Please find attached the updated Attendance Policy which contains important information regarding the Gurukula’s policy and procedures for monitoring absence and attendance. With Ofsted due to visit this academic year we would like to show improvement in our attendance.  The children have also had a considerable amo...
  • in Notices

    Preparing your child for returning to school

    Dear parents, Hare Krishna As part of our preparation for welcoming all children back to the Gurukula in September the teachers and I are discussing how we will address the emotional and mental health needs of the children after lockdown. Your child may have been at home for 6 months by this point and be...