Hare Krishna everyone
Just a reminder that sports will once again resume this week, with KS1 this afternoon and KS2 tomorrow afternoon.
Please send the students to school wearing their sports kit. Children without a sports kit can not participate.
The cost of sports this year is £20 per term, which spread through the year calculates to £1.50 per session.
This is payable via Gurukula account:
Gurukula Trust
Sort Code: 23-05-80
account number: 36704721
Please use reference the name of the student and PE for our record keeping.
If you prefer to pay by cash, please insert the money in an envelope adding the above method of reference and hand it in at the gates in the morning. Prompt payment will be very much appreciated.
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada.