Admissions Form

    • 1

      Student Details

    • 2

      Parent Details

    • 3

      Further Student Information

    • 4


    • 5

      Guardian Info

    • 6



    Student Details

    Student Details

    Parent Details



    Other Info

    Further Student Information

    Please will you tell us anything else you would like us to know about the student under the following sections


    Please give details of any brothers or sisters (dates of birth) who will be applying in the future to the Manor School:

    Guardian Info

    You will need to appoint a friend, relative or colleague who will act as guardian on your behalf in emergencies when you cannot be contacted.


    To keep the Gurukula accessible for all, we keep our fees as low as possible, however the cost of education is constantly rising. To help us meet the costs and improve the quality of our offering, would you be willing to donate to help support us for a year

    £37 a month£19 a month£9 a monthNo donation

    The information you have provided on this form is for the School’s use only. Some of it may be stored in computer file for the School’s convenience and for gathering statistics needed either by us or by legal UK statutory authorities who do not usually require names. The stored data will be accessible only by senior administrative staff of the school and will not be accessible directly or indirectly by pupils or anyone outside the School. Your rights are covered by the UK Data Protection Acts and you may request to have a print of all the information stored for computer use.
