
Homework is an important part of the child’s development and builds on skills taught in the classroom. At the Gurukula we aim to encourage pupils to develop skills for life-long, self-motivated learning.

Homework could be in the form of reading, writing and spelling tasks, maths exercises and topic work.

Children are encouraged to read at home regularly and talk to their parents about school topic work. Books are sent home with reading records and especially in Key Stage 1, parents are asked to read with the child and comment back. In Key Stage 1 children are given a maximum of 15 minutes of homework per night and in Key Stage 2 they are given a maximum of 30 minutes of homework per night.

The homework policy is designed to develop confidence and independent learning.

Research has shown that accelerated learning takes place when parents are actively involved with the education of their child.  We encourage you to work together with your child to promote interest, enjoyment and extension opportunities.